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Indian Beef Industry Indian Beef Treatment

According to the Department of Beast Husbandry annual study for 2016-17 , share of cattle meat in the overall meat product is only five per cent. Buffalo meat constitutes 23 per cent of the total meat production. Poultry meat contributes 46 per cent of full meat production in the land.

After new definition of cattle as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Marketplace) Rules, 2017, buffalo meat may now be treated as part of cattle meat. The resultant share may now be 28 per cent of the total meat production.

Cattle meat is loosely called beef. Though, buffalo meat goes by different name in dissimilar countries. In India, buffalo meat is categorised as beefiness. Equally most of the states have banned cow slaughter, the Indian beefiness largely the buffalo meat, which is also called carabeef.

The United states Department of Agriculture - whose data is referred beyond the earth for various calculations - considers carabeef as part of beef merchandise. According to the Usa Department of Agriculture, India and Brazil are the two top exporters of beefiness or buffalo meat.

In 2014, Bharat toppled Brazil as the leading exporter of beef. But, the data for 2016 put the two countries in tie. Both accept a share of most 20 per cent in global export of beef.

The United states of america Department of Agronomics says that Indian beef/buffalo meat industry has an export volume of over USD 4 billion.


According to livestock census of 2012, the population of cattle in Bharat was xix.1 crore. Cattle population shows a refuse of 4.1 per cent since the last census in 2007. Cattle population was 19.91 crore in 2007.

Buffalo population registered a growth of over three per cent during the aforementioned period. Its population increased from 10.53 crore to 10.87 crore in five years.

(Photograph: Reuters)

According to the all India meat and livestock exporters association, ban on sale of cattle for slaughter would touch farmers adversely in the cease.

It is estimated that the maintenance of an uneconomic cattle costs around Rs 40,000 a year. This is a huge cost for pocket-sized farmers to pay for maintenance of the animal.

CATTLE AND Manufacture

Incidentally, during the aforementioned menstruum meat production and export, and milk production grew substantially. Republic of india is non only the leading meat exporter, but it is as well the leading milk producer of the world.

The hides and bones of slaughtered cattle are used in a variety of industrial production, leather being the biggest consumer. Several manufacturing units including those of soap, toothpaste, buttons, pigment brushes, surgical stitches and musical instruments depend on cattle slaughter for their business concern.

Co-ordinate to India Brand Foundation Equity'south website, the Indian leather industry accounts for around 12.93 per cent of the world'due south leather production of hides and skins. Co-ordinate to another estimate, cattle slaughter business in India supplies hides and skins of USD 5.5 billion to the leather units in the land.

Republic of india ranks second in terms of footwear and leather garments production in the world. India accounts for 9 per cent of the world'southward footwear production.

In India, about 22 lakh people are employed in the cattle slaughter business straight or indirectly. Leather manufacture, which is heavily dependent on cattle slaughter, employs even greater - 35 lakh - number of people.


According to 1 gauge non all the animals slaughtered in the state are used for meat. Information technology is estimated that about 70 per cent of the carcass of slaughtered animals is used in dependent industries.

Only 30 per cent of cattle are slaughtered for meat in the country - both for export and local consumption. The Department of Animal Husbandry data, itself, shows that nearly of the Indian beef is buffalo meat.

The latest regulation, if implemented in letter, is likely to bear on the meat industry very badly.

Maintaining an uneconomic cow becomes a burden on farmers. (Photo: Reuters)

According to the all Republic of india meat and livestock exporters clan, 90 per cent of the buffaloes for slaughter are purchased from the animal markets, which have come under strict monitoring of the government agencies after the new regulation by the Centre.


Culturally, Kerala is a beef loving state, where information technology constitutes 60 per cent of the full meat consumption. For hundreds of families, beef is the staple diet in the state, which has footling less than 25 per cent Muslim population.

The state government's animal husbandry department information shows that one,87,000 cattle including 70,000 young ones were slaughtered for meat in 2016. A large clamper of cattle is purchased from the neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, where cattle slaughter is banned in some class or the other.

Around 5 lakh people are said to be directly or indirectly involved or dependent in cattle trade, slaughter concern and associated activities.

An Indian buffalo. (Photo: Reuters)


In some states, moo-cow slaughter is completely banned while in others it is allowed under license. In some other states, at that place is no regulation in cattle slaughter. The only related constabulary of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 applies in such states.

In Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand (18 states) cow slaughter is banned.

In Assam, Tamil Nadu and Westward Bengal, slaughter of cow is allowed requisite certificates from appropriate authorities.

There is no ban on slaughter of cattle in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.

In Kerala cattle over ten years of historic period can be slaughtered.


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