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You Know Who I Dont Trust? People With Two First Names

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May 18th 2014 at one:xiv:59 PM

I see no do good to a trope that is simply "This character has 2 start names." This is a existent design, only the folio as information technology is attaches no meaning to the practice, only noting that it'southward more than common amid superheroes. Because of this, literally every example on the folio is a ZCE.

If anyone can retrieve of a meaning behind this, possibly there's something here that can exist salvaged, but every bit is it just needs to exist cut.

shimaspawn from Here and Now Relationship Status: In your bunk

May 18th 2014 at 1:45:10 PM

There doesn't seem to exist any significant to it other than lots of terminal names seem to also be first names. Information technology's very chairsy.

Reality is that, which when you stop assertive in it, doesn't go away. -Philip K. Dick

Madrugada Zzzzzzzzzz Relationship Status: In flavor


May 18th 2014 at one:51:38 PM

...if yous don�t love you�re dead, and if you practise, they�ll kill yous for it.

May 18th 2014 at 2:33:54 PM

Is the "I don't trust people with two first names" gag prevalent plenty to alter the definition to that?

shimaspawn from Hither and Now Relationship Condition: In your bunk

May 18th 2014 at ii:35:05 PM

Even if information technology was, it would require an entire new YKTTW since none of the page examples encompass it. There's also the trope where they make fun of the south past giving characters names like Sue Ellen every bit a first name. Information technology's a bit xenophobic, only at least it has more trope potential than this mess.

edited 18th May '14 ii:37:43 PM by shimaspawn

Reality is that, which when y'all finish believing in information technology, doesn't go abroad. -Philip Thousand. Dick

Willbyr Hi Human relationship Condition: With my statistically significant other


May 18th 2014 at 8:17:56 PM

[up] I agree that that has more potential as a trope: "If a character has two beginning names, especially curt ones like Jim Bob or Linda Lou, and so it'southward a safe bet that he/she is from the South, and nearly probable a redneck or hillbilly."

edited 18th May 'xiv 8:eighteen:43 PM by Willbyr

AnotherDuck No, the other ane. from Stockholm Relationship Condition: In season

No, the other one.

May 19th 2014 at one:44:02 AM

Well, it's a design, merely there'due south nothing to it, as it's written.

edited 19th May '14 1:44:31 AM by AnotherDuck

Cheque out my fanfiction!

SeptimusHeap from Switzerland Relationship Status: Mu

May 19th 2014 at i:45:05 AM

Cutting this. If someone can find a trope feel costless to put information technology in YKTTW.

"For a successful applied science, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled." - Richard Feynman

May 19th 2014 at 4:45:45 AM

With 200+ inbounds, I retrieve that if we do create a new trope for Redneck Double Name or anything like that, it would be ameliorate to redirect this rather than cut information technology.

Larkmarn Human relationship Status: Hello, I love you lot

May 19th 2014 at five:26:16 AM

I've e'er hated this ane. I never saw the indicate to it, peculiarly since some of the "first names" are a stretch ("Nowlan"? "Hathaway"? "Gardner"? Fifty-fifty if those are sometimes first names, they're last names much, much, much more than commonly).

Axe the sumbitch. Make a Redneck Name trope if yous want, merely information technology'southward barely related.

Plant a Youtube Aqueduct with political stances you want to share? Hop on over to this page and add together them.

May 19th 2014 at v:28:45 PM

Crowner time, or practice we accept plenty consensus to just nuke it from orbit?

edited 19th May '14 5:29:07 PM past Discar

Larkmarn Relationship Status: Hello, I love you

May 19th 2014 at 6:10:59 PM

It'southward certainly too soon to nuke from orbit, but if someone doesn't disagree in a few days it should be safe.

Plant a Youtube Aqueduct with political stances you lot want to share? Hop on over to this page and add together them.

CompletelyNormalGuy Losing my head from that rainy metropolis where they throw fish Human relationship Condition: Showing feelings of an most human nature

Losing my caput

May 19th 2014 at 7:14:37 PM

I guess I'll add together another vote to nuke it from orbit. I'chiliad not seeing any existent trope here.

Just pretend I wrote something witty here, okay.

theAdeptrogue iRidescence Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu


May 19th 2014 at 8:37:37 PM

Aforementioned here. This doesn't await like a trope

Lakija Lakija from Chicago Human relationship Condition: Maxing my social links


May 19th 2014 at eleven:46:34 PM

I ever thought that the phrase "Never trust a human being with two first names" indicated that he was quack, indecisive or flip-floppy. Or bland. Like salesman and business concern people commonly would have this type of proper name.

I think it's about people with names like Baton Bob, or John Wayne.

Merely if the examples don't fit or make for a real trope, I dunno...

EDIT: I only watched an episode of Scandal and the characters remarked that this one homo had 3 showtime names, and their general attitude toward him was of disdain and distrust. The setting? A backwoods town.

There's something to this trope. It needs a better clarification and an example cleanup.

edited 20th May '14 10:eleven:21 AM by Lakija

Information technology is what information technology is.

Lakija Lakija from Chicago Relationship Status: Maxing my social links


May 20th 2014 at 10:58:46 AM

Possible clarification rewrite:

There are two distinct Types of characters with first names, and they are characterized differently. This trope manifests itself in these ways:

Type A: First Name+Get-go Name as Last Name

A character with an ordinary first proper noun, and a last name that could exist a considered a common starting time proper name. Examples: Paul George, Jesse James, Ezra Fitz. Type As are characterized as being, at best, irksome, mundane, or easily forgettable. Two commencement names are easily interchanged, dislocated, or audio like an alias. Type As take names that are simpler and mostly serve as placeholders, especially when the names belong to superheroes or people that have other monikers.

Type B: Two-part Kickoff Name

Baton Bob, Billy Joe, Jim Bob. Then females: Barbara Anne, Mary-Anne, Lilly Anne, etc. Type Bs are shown as existence downwards-habitation southern types. At best, especially in regards to females, these types are hospitable, traditional, and generous. At worst, especially in regards to males, they are shown every bit untrustworthy, flakey, hokey or dishonest. These names are associated with hillibiles and rednecks.

Dissimilarity Names to Run Away from Really Fast.

edited 20th May '14 1:03:44 PM past Lakija

Information technology is what it is.

Willbyr Hi Relationship Status: With my statistically significant other


May 20th 2014 at 11:39:53 AM

[up] That's pretty good; for the Blazon B, I'd mention in the "at worst" that they tend to be very stereotypical rednecks and/or hillbillies. This is actually mentioned in that trope's description.

edited 20th May '14 11:41:46 AM past Willbyr

Fighteer Lost in Space from The Time Vortex Relationship Status: Dancing with Captain Jack Harkness

Lost in Space

Lakija Lakija from Chicago Relationship Condition: Maxing my social links


May 20th 2014 at 1:00:27 PM

But in that location are whole shows where entire casts only have Two First Names names. There is some kind of pattern there, I think.

It is what it is.

Madrugada Zzzzzzzzzz Human relationship Status: In season


May 20th 2014 at 1:27:48 PM

The only pattern present in Type A (and we're trying to move away form blazon categories on trope pages, by the way) is that many names that were previously only used as surnames have come into employ as starting time names as well (Washington, Newton,) and that many common first names are likewise used every bit surnames and have been for quite a long fourth dimension (James, George, Heath...)

edited 20th May 'fourteen one:28:00 PM by Madrugada

...if you don�t love you�re dead, and if you exercise, they�ll impale you for it.

Fighteer Lost in Space from The Time Vortex Human relationship Condition: Dancing with Captain Jack Harkness

Lost in Space

shimaspawn from Here and Now Human relationship Status: In your bunk

May 20th 2014 at ii:forty:56 PM

Yeah, as for the 2, definitions, A isn't a trope. It'southward just chairs. Only B is a trope.

Reality is that, which when you lot stop assertive in it, doesn't get away. -Philip K. Dick

Fighteer Lost in Infinite from The Time Vortex Human relationship Status: Dancing with Captain Jack Harkness

Lost in Space

Madrugada Zzzzzzzzzz Relationship Status: In flavour


May 20th 2014 at eight:24:47 PM

...if you don�t love you lot�re dead, and if you lot practice, they�ll kill you for information technology.

Lakija Lakija from Chicago Relationship Condition: Maxing my social links


May 20th 2014 at 11:25:58 PM

Yeah yous guys are right. Well, at least the 2nd one is viable enough.

It is what it is.

Crown Description:

What would be the all-time way to prepare the page?

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