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How Do You Know When You Have Appendicitis

Appendicitis happens when the appendix becomes inflamed. Early symptoms can vary between age groups, and they can exist confused with symptoms of other weather.

The symptoms tin can be uncomfortable, painful, and potentially life-threatening if left untreated, so information technology is important to exist able to recognize them.

Sudden appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain requiring surgery in the United States (U.S.), with over five percent of the population developing appendicitis at some point.

It most ordinarily occurs during the teenage years and the 20s, but it can develop at whatever age.

Woman holding stomach in pain on hospital bed with doctor by side. Share on Pinterest
Appendicitis can cause hurting in the lower, right-hand side of the abdomen.

The appendix is about 4 inches long and is situated on the right, lower side of the abdomen. It is a tube-shaped piece of tissue that is airtight at one end. It is attached to the cecum, a pouch-similar portion of the colon, or big intestine.

Severe and sudden abdominal hurting is usually the first symptom of appendicitis.

The hurting oft begins near the omphalos. As it worsens, it will likely shift to the lower right side of the abdomen.

The feeling may go more than intense inside the adjacent few hours and be worsened by moving effectually, taking deep breaths, coughing, or sneezing.

Other classic symptoms of appendicitis are:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • loss of ambition
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • disability to pass gas
  • low-grade fever and chills
  • a temperature between 99° and 102° Fahrenheit
  • breadbasket swelling
  • wanting to have a bowel movement to save discomfort

Even so, these symptoms appear in merely l percent of cases.

Some patients may experience symptoms such as breadbasket pain very slightly or not at all. Others may have less common symptoms.

Symptoms in children and infants

Children and infants may not feel pain in one specific area. There may be tenderness throughout the torso, or in that location may be no pain.

Children and infants may have less frequent or no bowel movements. If diarrhea occurs, this may exist a symptom of another illness.

While children and infants may not experience precise pain as older patients practise, research suggests that intestinal pain is still the most common symptom of appendicitis symptom for this age group.

Symptoms in older adults and during pregnancy

Older adults and meaning women may also experience unlike symptoms. The stomach pain may be less severe and less specific. Possible symptoms include nausea, airsickness, and fever.

During pregnancy, the pain may shift upward toward the upper correct quadrant after the first trimester. There may too be some back or flank hurting.

If in that location is stomach pain, this may issue from another condition.

Other conditions with like symptoms

Intestinal pain tin be a symptom of other weather condition that seem like appendicitis.

Examples include:

  • tum lesions
  • constipation
  • inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • stool, parasites, or growths that clog the within of the appendix
  • damage or injury to the abdomen

When to encounter a doctor

Appendicitis tin be life-threatening, and it requires immediate medical care. It is probable to worsen the longer it is left untreated. Initial symptoms may feel like gas.

If over-the-counter (OTC) medications practice not relieve the gas, or if at that place is astringent and worsening hurting, the individual should see a physician at once. Information technology may be advisable to go straight to the emergency room.

Treating appendicitis every bit soon as symptoms appear will forestall information technology from worsening and causing further complications.

A healthcare provider will normally diagnose appendicitis by doing the following:

Reviewing the symptoms

The patient will be asked to provide details nigh what symptoms they are experiencing, how severely, and for how long.

Reviewing the patient's medical history

To rule out other potential health issues, the doctor will want to know details about the patient's medical history.

These include:

  • any other medical conditions or surgeries the patient has or has had in the by
  • whether the patient takes any medications or supplements
  • whether the patient drinks booze or takes any recreational drugs

Doing a concrete exam

The doctor volition do a physical exam to observe out more well-nigh the patient's breadbasket pain. They will apply pressure to or touch certain areas of the abdomen. Pelvic and rectal exams may as well be used.

Ordering laboratory tests

Blood and urine tests can help confirm an appendicitis diagnosis or observe signs of other health issues. A doctor may besides ask for blood or urine samples to check for pregnancy.

If necessary, the md may also society imaging tests, such equally an abdominal ultrasound, MRI examination, or CT browse.

These imaging tests can show:

  • an enlarged or burst appendix
  • inflammation
  • a blockage inside the appendix
  • an abscess

Treatment unremarkably begins with antibiotics and intravenous fluid. Some mild cases of appendicitis tin can exist treated completely with fluids and antibiotics.

The most mutual side by side step is surgery, known as an appendectomy. Removing the appendix decreases the run a risk of information technology rupturing. Early treatment is important to reduce the risk of complications, which can lead to death.

Two types of surgery are possible:

Laparoscopic surgery

Surgeons make several minor incisions and use special tools to remove the appendix through them.

Benefits of laparoscopic surgery include:

  • a lower risk of complications, such every bit hospital-related infections
  • shorter recovery fourth dimension

Patients should limit their physical exercise for the first 3 to 5 days later on surgery.

Laparotomy surgery

Surgeons remove the appendix through a single incision made in the lower correct area of the belly. This may be necessary for a outburst appendix.

It allows the surgeon to clean the inside of the abdomen to prevent infection.

Patients should limit their concrete activity for the first 10 to 14 days after a laparotomy surgery.

Delaying handling can seriously increase the adventure of complications.

Inflammation tin crusade the appendix to rupture, sometimes every bit soon as 48 to 72 hours later the symptoms begin.

A rupture can cause bacteria, stool, and air to leak into the belly, causing infection and further complications, which tin be fatal.

Infections that can result from a flare-up appendix include peritonitis, an inflammation of the lining of the abdomen, or an abscess.

Taking pain medications can potentially mask symptoms and delay treatment.

With prompt handling, appendicitis is treatable, and recovery is normally fast and consummate. With early surgery, the mortality rate is under ane percent.

Without surgery or antibiotics, for example, in remote areas, the mortality rate tin can be 50 per centum or higher.

If the appendix bursts, this can lead to complications, such as an abscess or peritonitis. Recovery may be lengthy in these cases. Older people make likewise take longer to recover.

The appendix is often considered a nonfunctioning organ, unnecessary for survival, but some scientists suggest that information technology may play a office in maintaining a healthy immune arrangement.

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