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Can You Grind Beef in a Blender

A lot of people accept been request: "Can a blender grind meat?"

Blenders are a pretty versatile kitchen apparatus. Y'all can use them to brand smoothies, soups, sauces, and even grind meat! Only at that place a lot of things you should first be aware of when blending meat.

For those of you lot who take never ground meat in a blender before, information technology is not as hard as it may seem. At that place are but some precautions that go forth with using the automobile for this purpose.

We're going to accept a expect at what's safe and what's not rubber to do when information technology comes to ground beef in the blender; besides talk about minced meat, hamburger meat, and making sausages.

And then the question we want to enquire is can you grind meat in a Vitamix?

The reply is yeah. Most Vitamix blenders take motors with more than than 2 summit horsepower. This equates to an impressive ane,400 watts. This means that it is fully capable of shredding through whatsoever blazon of meat you put in. The blades shouldn't accept any bug with this job. Nonetheless, there are certain things you tin can and can't do when grinding meat.

Let'southward get into the meat of this.

Best practices when grinding meat with a Vitamix blender

The Vitamix is a powerful blender with loftier-performance abilities fabricated for the serious user. Some people love it while others think it's too expensive and overkill, probable because they aren't familiar with using them.

The blender's powerful blades are a great way to make healthy soups, smoothies, and more.

Funny enough, the topic of the affair was brought up to a Vitamix representative. The response was "yep and no," said a representative from the Vitamix Corporation.

They too added, "The Vitamix is a powerful machine and can shred meat when used properly."

But there are some things you lot should go on in listen to get the best results every fourth dimension.

The thought that a Vitamix could be useful in a kitchen other than merely pureeing soup might take seemed crazy, merely now information technology'due south what a lot of chefs use to make their meatballs, hamburgers, and sausages.

The thought of using a Vitamix to grind beef is not new at all. In fact, it'south been around for years now! And funny plenty, it'due south but an off-labeled skill.

Don't wash your meat

Information technology'due south a common mistake that consumers make in the kitchen nearly washing their meat or chicken. Washing meat or craven before cooking can actually lead to cross-contamination.

This is because the water that you wash your meat in volition take leaner on its surface. When those droplets of contaminated liquid hit other surfaces or foods, they'll spread their germs around likewise!

Co-ordinate to the, modern food safety systems don't crave washing your meat or craven.

If you don't eat information technology, freeze it

It'due south besides advised that after making you lot ground meat, make sure you freeze it. This will help to foreclose any bacteria from growing that might accept been nowadays on the meat before you ground it up!

The cold prevents leaner from growing.

I would too recommend you to freeze in smaller portions so they'll thaw faster when needed. Plus you don't take to eat it all at once.

The USDA recommends freezing raw hamburger (meat and poultry) patties for no more than 4 months.

And unfortunately, if you leave raw meat in the regular refrigerator, you'll only get 3-5 days before it goes bad.

Don't grind the bones

While the Vitamix tin can potentially grind softer bones, it may fail after grinding harder basic.

The Vitamix is not designed to grind basic and the blades may become stuck in them, causing a mess! You may fifty-fifty burn out the motor and dull the blades.

Another reason why you must take out the basic is that they won't alloy well with the meat. You'll produce a mixture of meat and bone.

You'll too take to deal with the basic in every bite when yous're done, which can be a pain in itself!

Freshness tip while freezing

This is a low-key hack but when you store your meat in the fridge, you can add a pinch of baking soda to the stored meat.

Baking soda is a basic chemical compound that will help to keep the meat fresh. It works by raising the pH of the meat and ultimately prevents the proteins from excessively bonding and losing water in the process.

The results testify that the footing meat remains tender and juicier when taken out to thaw and cook.

The way to exercise this is simply to basis up the meat. Then take a small, roughly half a teaspoon amount of baking soda and mix it into the ground meat. Y'all can at present cook it, or store it in the freezer for afterward.

How to grind meat to make ground meat

For those of the states who would like to know how to grind your meat using only a blender. These are the steps for you. Be sure to not overload your batches, this could cause jams.

Ground meat from a blender
Ground meat from a blender
  1. Cut your meat into ane-inch cubes.
    Make certain the meat is nonetheless cold. Don't leave it out and wait until information technology gets to room temperature. Your meat cuts don't have to be perfect.
    The meat should be cut into cubes, strips, or chunks of any size and shape you like to make information technology easier for the blender blades when they are spinning at high speeds.
  2. Start with a minor number of pieces.
    Don't just place the entire tray of meat in the showtime time. Yous have to let the blender to take it in one at a fourth dimension. Start small and piece of work your style up.
    The blender blades will have to piece of work harder if you put in as well much meat at once, and this tin cause the motor to piece of work extra hard and perhaps fail.
  3. Turn the speed to 1 and increase every bit needed.
    You lot take to also slowly increment the speed as you alloy. You don't demand it to cutting actually fast, you but want to make sure that the meat is being cutting. Commencement with a low speed and and so increase it every bit needed to go your desired consistency of footing beef, sausage, or craven.
    This is an important part of the blending because you have to keep an center on the consistency of what you're blending.
    It's non merely about turning on a blender and letting it go until there is nothing left to alloy.
  4. Blend for nigh 10 to fifteen seconds at a time.
    Blending for brusque increments at a fourth dimension helps yous keep an middle on the consistency of what you're blending.
    If it's too thick, alloy a petty faster, until information technology gets to the right consistency.
  5. Add together more meat.
    Keep to add together more meat at whatsoever fourth dimension you feel that the previous meat is almost there to consistency.
    Think, if yous add together more meat in, you volition be essentially blending the previous meat fifty-fifty more. If its consistency is to your liking, so I would suggest simply taking it out and placing information technology aside, and start a new batch of meat to add on.
    If you held off and didn't alloy the first batch too much, y'all tin add more meat and combine the blending.

What is the departure between a Vitamix and a meat grinder

At present you lot're probably wondering what makes a Vitamix and a regular meat grinder different. Aren't they actually the same thing?

The fact of the affair is that they are not the same matter.

A Vitamix is a blender that can grind meat, but it cannot be used equally an actual grinder for making sausages or hamburger patties out of basis beef and other meats because its blades are blunter. It'south besides got a more powerful motor to liquefy the food it takes in. The blender is specially made to turn food into liquid.

A grinder has ridge and razor-abrupt blades which allow it to cutting through thick foods to accomplish tasks like chopping and shredding.

Fortunately for united states of america, a blender, if used correctly and actively monitored well, can grind meat.

Simply make certain yous don't over blend it, or you volition turn it into liquid.

My final thoughts

Vitamix and its blades are extremely powerful and can grind upwardly the toughest of meats.

The blades can pulverize and mince all types of meat.

Vitamix is a cracking tool for making ground meat. It tin can likewise be used to make sausages and hamburger patties, but it cannot grind basic.

Be patient when grinding meat in a blender.

If you are not conscientious, the meat will turn into a liquid. This is considering of how powerful Vitamix'due south blades can be. Always proceed a shut eye on your progress.

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