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Make America Smart Again Poster Dftba the Test Dftba Poster

DFTBA! note Don't Forget To Be Awesome. Or, if John is ill of people asking what it means, it'southward Dinosaurs Fail To Beat out Asteroids. Information technology tin can also be a lot of other things.

Vlogbrothers (sometimes stylized as VlogBrothers or vlogbrothers), as the proper noun implies, is the YouTube channel and vlogging project of brothers Hank and John Greenish.

Vlogbrothers was originally a one-year projection starting on January 1, 2007 under the proper noun Brotherhood 2.0. The project consisted of the ii brothers swearing off textual communication with each other, only respective through video updates — 1 afterwards the other, every weekday of the twelvemonth, and no more than 4 minutes in length. After the year was up, the enthusiastic reception from the fanbase they had accrued — with the massive bump in traction they received from Hank's song "Accio Deathly Hallows" making YouTube's forepart page being no modest gene — led them to proceed uploading videos.

Since then, their fanbase has grown extensively, due not only to the success of their videos, but also music, books and diverse clemency works. Fans are known as "nerdfighters" note derived from John misreading the name of an Aero Fighters arcade cabinet (nerds who fight, not people who fight nerds), and the collective subculture surrounding the fanbase has been dubbed "Nerdfighteria". They even have a Memetic Hand Gesture (ii crossed-arm tucked-pollex Vulcan salutes), a motto ("Don't forget to exist awesome", or "DFTBA"), and an ongoing mission: to fight "world suck" (by and large unfavorable things in the world) through social activism.

They are the organizers of VidCon, the world's first and simply convention dedicated to internet videos. Both now also host another channel Crash Course, where each brother gives lectures on subjects they're knowledgeable about, and Hank also hosts SciShow, filled with diverse science news videos. In addition, Hank produced The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and The Brain Scoop, a modernistic adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and a show about museum taxidermy, respectively. John and Hank are likewise hosts on the mental_floss YouTube channel, from the magazine mental_floss which gave John his offset ever writing job, on which one time a calendar week either John gives a nerdy triviatastic listing video or Hank gives a quiz video.

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The Vlog Brothers provide examples of:

  • Abased Catchphrase: The brothers have a variety of inside jokes and catchphrases that take fallen out of favor over time. Examples include:
    • French the Llama.
    • I am a giant squid of anger!
    • Who the eff is Hank?
    • Even their motto, "Don't forget to exist awesome," has been drastically downplayed as of belatedly.
  • A Good Name for a Stone Band: John has several prepared.
  • And Telephone call Him "George"!: John would proper noun his puppy-sized elephant Louis, and they would exist the best of friends.
  • Angry Dance: "5 STARS FOR ANGER DANCE!!"
  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Hank made a video (and song) about the sabotage derby in response to incredulous comments from people who thought derbies were fictional.
  • Anti-Dearest Song: Hank sings "Florida" like a regular carol beloved vocal, merely information technology's actually nigh how much Florida sucks.
    • "The Adorable Carnivorous" may also exist an example because information technology is actually a dear song, but a actually weird one that overlaps beloved and sexual attraction with nutrient cravings, and eating with making out.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
    • In "Why are Barns Cherry and Kardashians Famous":

    Hank: It's now time for me to tell you what I'1000 thankful for, which is a wonderful brother who is a brilliant writer, an crawly bunch of people who watch me make a fool out of myself on YouTube, an astonishing family and a loving wife who will carry my dead weight through all of Super Mario Brothers Wii.

    • In "Literally Hitler", when asking when the "Gilded Age of America" was, he lists out several dates in history (and notes the problems present in each era) before getting to 1985, where "unemployment was college than it is today, median household income was lower, and y'all were more than than twice as likely to be murdered. Plus in that location was no Snapchat."
  • Artifact Title: The Hankgames channel is as of at present converted into John'due south FIFA channel starring the AFC Wimbly Womblys.
    • Somewhen, Hank decided to brand a new gaming channel for himself chosen "Games with Hank"...which is now on an indefinite hiatus.
  • Asian and Nerdy: Deconstructed past Hank in his "Why are Barns Red and Kardashians Famous" video (he's answering Google's top most-asked questions starting with "why are [insert letter of alphabet here]", and A happened to bring up "why are Asians so smart") by explaining that Asian-American culture has been shown to value intelligence. In spite of this, he nonetheless says that "positive stereotypes are however stereotypes, so you should be ashamed of yourself."
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: The basis of i of Hank's jokes in "51 Jokes (in Four Minutes)".

    Q: How many kids with ADD does it have to change a light bulb?
    A: Let'due south become ride bikes!

  • Awesomeness Is a Forcefulness: The official definition of a Nerdfighter is someone who is equanimous of pure crawly instead of tissue, bones, etc. Likewise, the mission of Nerdfighteria, to increase awesome and subtract worldsuck. What more could you enquire for?
  • Badass Baritone:
    • Tiny craven disease activates John's husky voice. As seen here.
    • Hank always sings "I'one thousand Gonna Kill Yous" in this manner.
  • Big Blood brother Instinct: It'southward rare, but John has occasionally shown himself to possess it.
    • This comes up whenever he discusses health intendance reform, as he gets noticeably angry talking almost how information technology was difficult for Hank to go insurance cheers to his ulcerative colitis.
  • Blackness Comedy: Hank has a penchant for this, strangely.
    • In "Tiptop vii Tips for LIFE", Hank is demonstrating how to tie a figure-eight knot, he and so shows how to necktie a figure-viii loop...and realizes a little too late that he'south just fabricated a small noose.

    Hank: "Fatherhood's difficult, simply non that hard."

    • One of Hank'southward jokes in "51 Jokes (in 4 Minutes)":

    Hank ane: What'due south the difference between camping ground and molestation?
    Hank 2: I-I don't know.
    Hank ane: Well, since you don't know...wanna go camping this weekend?

    • Hank has a Running Gag of using "considering southward/he's dead" as a punchline to jokes about deceased people.

    Hank: "Why doesn't Julius Caesar ever use his cell phone? Because he's Dead!"

    • Hank even wrote a song chosen "I'yard Gonna Impale You lot" virtually his murderous and asymmetric anger with people who annoy him for fairly modest things.
    • Ane of Hank'south "nerdy pickup lines": "Hey, does this odor like chloroform?"

    Hank: "Aye, that might've gone too far."

  • Blatant Lies: On "Question Tuesday, the twenty-four hour period that I respond real questions from real nerdfighters!", John oft answers the question "Who the eff is Hank?" (whether or non information technology was actually asked) with some wordy description of a person, thing, or miracle which is quite obviously non his brother. To make it even more than Blatant Lies, Hank himself has answered that question in one case:

    Hank: "Hank is a sausage covered in cornbread batter and deep fried."

  • Bookends: "The Toll of Fame", Hank'southward thoughts about the many comments on his Harry Potter, begins with the opening bars of the famous "Hedwig's Theme" from the Harry Potter movies and ends with the next few notes.
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: In this video:

    John: I'grand a man, I'g a zebra, I'm a man-bra! Oh, await, that's something else.

    • Happens a few times, inevitably:

    John: In your video on Wednesday, you talked most lexical gaps, similar the fact that in Romanian there is no word for shallow, and in English we don't accept a word for people who aren't virgins. Turns out, past the fashion, that there is a discussion in Romanaian for people who aren't virgins.

    • Hank likes funny stuff and nerdy stuff. Therefore, he fabricated a video well-nigh funny nerdy stuff.
    • And in "50 THINGS!! That I'm Thankful For":
    • In John's "Sell Outs!" video, he says that Nerdfighters that had commented on his at-the-fourth dimension well-nigh recent video had noted the ads surrounding the video were nearly either Scientology or mail order brides. He then stated that he didn't want Nerdfighters to become Scientologist mail order brides.
  • Staff of life, Eggs, Milk, Squick:
    • In "CONCUSSED Question Friday", John lists several of his fears (also heights).

    John: Geese, mice... and oblivion .

    • In "Dec 27th: The Gig", Hank'south description of the similarities between the peep-wine blended mix he made and the gig that he played to five strangers (and his wife) while drinking said mix.

    Hank: Loud. Uncomfortable. Hastily put together. Messy. Poorly planned. Sloppily executed. Mucilaginous. Stinky. And the product was, more than or less, er, like to dog vomit.

    • In Hank'south video on the death of Osama bin Laden (released a day afterwards), Hank notes how May ane, 2011 was a slap-up day for him overall.

    Hank: Katherine and I went and got breakfast downtown, nosotros ran into some friends who were filming a moving picture, and I got to be in their movie. We went to see Win Win, the new Paul Giamatti k- awesome, really expert movie. I read Clash of Kings on my back porch, Osama bin Laden was killed in a precision war machine strike, Katherine and I played Mario Kart Wii...

  • Broken Base: Invoked past fans with the Zombies/Unicorns upshot, a completely silly and non-serious break specifically because they decided at that place wasn't enough conflict. Serious version Defied, they brand a point of avoiding topics they disagree on.
  • Catchphrase: These are abundant.
    • "DFTBA!"
    • "The link is in the doobly-exercise." (borrowed from Wheezy Waiter)
    • "Best Wishes!"
    • ...In your pants.
    • "God, I love librarians!"
    • "French the Llama!" (sort of)
    • "I'll see you on Monday/Wednesday/Friday."
    • "Dude... no border."
    • "It'southward Question Tuesday annotation despite the proper name, just over half (24) of the videos in the Question Tuesday playlist took place on a Tuesday. Friday came second with 11, followed by Wednesday (7), Saturday (2), Mon (1) and Sunday (ane). The inaugural Question Tuesday on Th is scheduled to take place on 12 November 2015., the day that I answer real questions from existent nerdfighters. Permit'south become correct to information technology."
    • "In a stunning plough of events" is a phrase ordinarily uttered by John, to the indicate where he named a video "A Stunning Turn of Events".
    • "Every bit you lot tin can probably tell from the grey speckled walls behind me..." John's in an airport.
    • "Movie Magic!" John's way of calling attending to blatant edits in his videos.
    • "[Falsetto whine] is the sound that my anxiety makes."
    • John often starts videos by saying the post-obit later his opening catchphrase: "Today'south video is similar X...information technology comes to you in one/two/3 part(s)."
  • "Cavemen vs. Astronauts" Debate: Zombies vs. Unicorns, which started in the customs of YA novelists and has since spilt over into Nerdfighteria, dividing fifty-fifty the Green brothers themselves. Hank is pro-unicorn, and, while John is not exactly pro-zombie, he is definitely anti-unicorn.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: This video.
    • John. A mutual joke amongst nerdfighters is to say, "recall, this human being is an honour-winning novelist."
  • Continuity Nod: Occasionally bringing dorsum old jokes.
  • Continuity Lockout: Because the series is and then long-running and at that place are then many videos- they passed a g on the chief channel solitary in September 2012 -many jokes and references can easily be lost on new viewers. Sometimes fifty-fifty John and Hank forget how some things got started.
  • Cool and Unusual Penalty: The brothers have a longstanding rule that they have to keep their videos nether iv minutes or confront penalty. For example, Hank once went two seconds over the fourth dimension limit and was forced to spend xv hours in a local Target shop.
    • They have, still established a dominion that videos CAN be longer than 4 minutes every bit long equally they are educational videos, videos with montages, or videos that are exactly iv:01 long * since Youtube adds a 2d at the end. For case, John'southward video on the history of the political state of affairs in the Ukraine and Hank's video on the Egyptian coup and history of Egypt'south political parties. In add-on, while the punishments themselves are generally suggested and chosen by the customs, in that location is a standing dominion that Sarah and Katherine both accept veto power over the punishments selected.
  • Dada Comic: Hanklerfish Comic, a Nerdfighter-made Tumblr host to comics and sketches of flesh-colored anglerfish bearing the Light-green brothers' faces that is also rife with references to Vlogbrothers content and various Nerdfighter community memes.
  • Different in Every Episode: The past couple of years, Hank's videos will feature a different poster in the background in each episode.
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • Basically the gist of the punishments. For example, going 2 seconds over the time limit will score you a xv-hour stay in a local Target.
    • Hank's song "I'm Gonna Impale You" deals with him getting murderous anger over small annoyances.
  • Do Incorrect, Right: John feels this way, maxim that if you're going to insult him and/or people he cares about, you ought to at least exercise it "with some reverence for the English language."
  • Drunk with Power: John got drunk with a very nerdy kind of ability in one of his videos. "I will have the didactics power. I am the English instructor! I am mad with ability!!! [violent photographic camera shaking]" It was closely followed with a more than toned-down comment:

    People in the neighborhood look at me funny when I scream into the photographic camera while walking.

  • Ballsy Fail: Hank made a video recounting the top vii ballsy-est fails in history, with near of them involving cases of And You Idea It Would Fail.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Who would guess that the Vlogbrothers are a couple of brothers who vlog?
  • Exact Words: Almost the start of this video from Hank, he says "I'1000 not gonna dump a saucepan of ice water over my head", referring to the ALS Ice Saucepan Claiming. Later on in the video, 2 people dump two buckets of water over his caput, then technically Hank stayed true to his original argument.
    • A caption does lampshade this.
  • Expospeak Gag: John referring to kissing equally "monogamous face-licking".
  • Expressive Pilus: John's hair gets puffy when he gets broken-hearted (because of a nervous habit of running his easily through it). "Puff Levels are unusually loftier today." Sometimes the Puff Level will steadily increment over the course of a video.
  • Face Your Fears: John is afraid of heights, but he faced his fear and stood up on top of a table to raise coin for his favorite charity. It took a long time for him to muster up the courage. He likewise after rode the Frog Hopper as a punishment.
  • Fan Community Nickname: invoked Nerdfighters. The name came from an early video in which John encountered the game Aero Fighters and, upon misreading the title equally "Nerd Fighters", wondered what he could practice with an army of nerds. The nickname is widely and officially acknowledged.
  • Fan Disservice: John's "Fettle for Nerds" video, which contains an amount of abdomen that is far above the margin of comfort.
  • Filk Song: Many of Hank'south songs. This Isn't Hogwarts, Dead Boy's Girlfriend, The Human being Who Throws the Tetris Slice, I'1000 Not Edward Cullen, and lots more than.
  • Flipping the Bird: In "November 14th: Florida (from LA)", Hank states that despite being "empty-headed" with all the stuff that he has to do, he can do one thing...flip off a scarlet Hummer.
  • Follow the Leader: In-Universe; the series equally a whole stemmed from the ii falling in dearest with the archetypal Vlog Series structure pioneered by Ze Frank.
  • Forced Meme: John has been trying to make "French the llama" a matter since the 2009 Project for Awesome. Even among the nerdfighters, though, it'due south not especially common.
  • Grammar Nazi: John, although he oftentimes likes to pretend that he isn't because he believes the purpose of grammar is practiced advice and not to be an excuse for pedantry. Still...

    John: "You should probably know that in that context, 'you're' is a contraction, and any time you lot're contracting 'y'all are', information technology'due south spelled Y-O-U-APOSTROPHE-R-Due east. Omigod, youtube, before you click 'submit annotate', read your annotate and ask yourself, 'DO I MEAN YOU ARE?'. And if you practise, y'all need an apostrophe."

  • Happy Dance: A whole montage of them.
  • Hitler'south Time Travel Exemption Act: Averted with the Evil Baby Orphanage. They plot to have all of history's evil figures and non kill them only instead raise them from nascence equally awesome people in a secluded orphanage.
  • Hurricane of Puns: "Mules Are So One-half-Ass".
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every video from "hey now" to "How 'bout yours?" are named later lyrics of the song "All Star". The video correct after "How 'bout yours?" contains all the words not put into a title, resulting in "I ain't she was with well and I then and information technology'southward and only so and I'll and".
  • Inherently Funny Words: John's travelling on Feb 1st, 2007. "Okay, nosotros're gonna walk through the airport and meet if we can detect annihilation funny. The word 'choate' is funny."
  • In-Joke: Tons. Often confuse or are totally lost on new viewers — or in fact John himself, due to how long they take been vlogging for. Best wishes!
  • Insane Troll Logic: If you lot like unicorns, you killed Tonks.
  • Insistent Terminology: DFTBA is not an acronym considering information technology doesn't spell annihilation. It is an initialism.
  • Insult Backfire: Both John and Hank have mentioned in several videos the stupidity of negative comments that charge them of being nerds/geeks (they have information technology as a compliment) or "gay" (this is not an insult anyway).
  • Kubrick Stare: Hank throughout "I'g Gonna Impale You".
  • Police of Disproportionate Response: Used heavily in Hank's song, "I'thou Gonna Impale You", which threatens gruesome deaths on people that irritate him past slowing down the grocery store checkout lane, owning a giant SUV, and throwing a loud political party late at dark. "I'one thousand usually a very peaceful person, but I'm gonna kill you."
  • Lighter and Softer: They have their moments, just on the whole, they're the lighter and softer alternates to nearly of the other vloggers on YouTube.
  • Memetic Hand Gesture: The Nerdfighter hand sign — 2 Vulcan salutes washed with palms inward and arms crossed, accompanied by gun-cocking sound effects. Sometimes accompanied by "Hah hoo hah! NERDFIGHTERS!"
  • Metaphorgotten: John has done this one time or twice. After a dainty, undecipherable one: "I'chiliad a novelist. I make upwardly metaphors for a living!"
  • Moment Killer: OK, so they're already married and there's no Aborted Declaration of Honey hither, only in the "Fifth Ceremony with the Katherine" video, Katherine deftly assassinates a moment and keeps things from getting sappy: Hank starts stroking her hair. When she asks why, he replies "Because I love you!" She so asks him to do it again... And when he obliges, she licks his hand. Complete with "BLEAAAURG" sound.
  • Motor Mouth: Both of them, big fourth dimension, but John far, far more. After a few of John's videos, Hank'due south speech sounds downright leisurely, unless he's been given caffeine. Their motor oral cavity tendencies are heightened by the video editing with Jump Cuts to go rid of whatever and all not-amusing pauses.
  • Muppet Cameo: During the 2016 Project For Awesome charity livestream, Large Bird made an appearance, even shouting off-camera "don't forget to be crawly!"
  • Murder Carol: Hank'southward "I'g Gonna Kill You lot" song, expressing his murderous discontent with people that tick him off for fairly small things compared to his reactions.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: This trope has come upwardly several times.
  • Nerdcore: Several of Hank'south songs, including DFTBA and The Human being Who Throws The Tetris Slice (especially the Dr. Noise cover).
  • Nerd Glasses: Both clothing glasses, but John has a special pair that are extra-nerdy. He chose them on purpose after realizing that his previous glasses didn't have many nerd points.
  • Nightmare Face: Ladies and gentlemen, demonic Hank.
  • Nonindicative Proper name: Just over half of the Question Tuesday videos are actually on Tuesdays.
  • The Oner: John's video on bullying is equanimous of a unmarried shot of John riding a train and staring into the camera for the whole 3 minutes and 20 seconds, overlayed with narration.
  • Painting the Medium: Hank'due south "Impale your TV" video does this twice: once to display the 5 2nd gap between aqueduct changes, and once to mutter about attribute ratio mismatching.
  • Pants-Free: In the episode aptly titled "Nerdfighter Union PROPOSAL", John was asked by a fan to propose to the fan's girlfriend for him. He decided that an occasion like this necessitated nicer clothes than the t-shirt he started the episode in, then jump-cut to him adjusting himself in his seat, wearing a dainty accommodate jacket and a apparel shirt. When he called the girlfriend, did the proposal, and she said yes, John began auspicious, and sprang out of his seat to reveal that he was withal in his boxer shorts.
  • Poke the Poodle: In "Positive Prank Calls":

    "Hullo, this is Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers, and I just wanted to let you know that global poverty rates have dropped 30% since 1990, and they're on track to drib some other 10% before 2015. She was talking and I just hung up on her. Ha! Ha, pranked!"

  • Proud to Be a Geek: John, Hank, and Nerdfighters in general. John one time talked near how "nerd" wasn't an insult, instead meaning that one prefers intelligence over stupidity and thoughtfulness over vapidity, and believes that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan.
  • Psychotic Smirk: At the start of this video, John does one for a one-half-2nd after ramming Hank out of frame with his chair. Notwithstanding managed to turn into a meme, though.
  • Punny Name:
    • In this survey, Hank plans to avert this trope. Whatsoever potential child of his will not be chosen Hunter, Olive, Woods, Lime...
    • The brothers besides named their babyhood dog, a dachshund they got for Christmas, Carmine Green.
    • And another pet (a ophidian) was named Blue Green.
  • Quizzical Tilt: Bubbling the Nerdfighting Puppy was prone to this upon hearing new sounds. Once he stopped, the Nerdfighting customs at big attempted to get him to practise information technology over again. Considering information technology was eye-meltingly cute.
  • Heighten Him Right This Time: The Evil Baby Orphanage. The idea is that, instead of going dorsum in time and assassinating famous dictators and other evil people, time travelers should abduct them when they're infants and bring them to the orphanage to heighten them to be proficient people instead.
  • A Rare Judgement:
    • In "Tiptop 10 Beast Power MOVES", John describes how baby potato beetles compensate for their lack of a shell (which makes them easier targets) and ends up maxim, "Fortunately, they have poisonous poop." He immediately lampshades the strange nature of the sentence afterwards.

      "It'southward so rare in life that the word 'fortunately' precedes the words 'they have poisonous poop.'"

    • In "Acme 5 Zombie Apocalypses OF ALL TIME", John praises Pride and Prejudice and Zombies on its first sentence alone, describing information technology every bit "1 of the great first lines in American literature".

      "Information technology is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains."

  • Running Gag: "Who the eff is Hank?", tiny chickens, airports, sock puppets, peep-eating contests, among many, many others.
  • She Who Must Not Be Seen: John's wife, The Yeti... until the stop of the Evening of Awesome. Her very nickname is because she isn't caught on camera.
    • Becoming a full-fledged Artifact Nickname with her hosting The Art Assignment.
  • Shoutout: Lots and lots. To authors, poets, musicians, and scientists living and dead, to movies and books, to other video bloggers. For just a couple examples, see Hank's guitar, which is painted with the words, "this machine pwns n00bs", and John's laptop that has a sticker with the original words "This automobile kills fascists".
  • Sibling Team: Apparently. They were very amused by some speculation every bit to whether Hank was just a paid actor and the initial project was faked to get publicity for John's books.
  • Sound-Upshot Bleep: Used occasionally whenever Hank and John find themselves swearing. Emphasis on the discussion "occasionally".
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: In Hank's video on Osama bin Laden'southward expiry, he notes that he saw President Obama'due south address on bin Laden's expiry with music from Mario Kart Wii playing in the background, and he promptly cuts to exactly that.
  • Stalker with a Beat out: While Hank'southward Helen Hunt song is supposed to be funny and not-serious, when the real Helen Chase heard it, she thought it was this trope and took out a restraining order confronting him. A restraining lodge covered in flowers and smiley faces . (The restraining order is imitation though, just and then you know.)
  • Stop Motility:
    • Hank had fun with this in Denver Airport, through doing very bones stop motion animation with himself as the moving object. Somehow, nobody seemed to notice him lying on the chairs in various abnormal positions. He so set the animation to some music.
    • In "15 Hours in Target", there'south one segment where Hank splices frames together to make information technology await as if he'south holding onto and riding his cart while he'south in the air.
  • Stupid Statement Dance Mix: Hank put 1 together called "Willy'due south Vocal;" it was an amalgamation of all the bizarre sounds Nerdfighters had fabricated in an attempt to get Willy to do his Quizzical Tilt again.
  • Accept a Third Option: In i of John'southward Question Tuesday videos, someone asked if he could do the "peanut butter face". Unfortunately, the question was asked while John was in an airport, but he did what he could.
  • Telethon: The Project for Awesome is a, well, awesome subversion of this.
  • Temporary Substitute: YA author Maureen Johnson (no, not that one) fills in once in a while.
  • Tempting Fate: John mentions that waxing your legs can't hurt that much, because otherwise women would terminate doing it. Whooops.
  • Unusual Euphemism:
    • French the llama! Asshat. Warner Chilcott.
    • And there are several videos in which John uses the names of famous poets in place of swear words.

      John: I'1000 a William Blake gangster, so of course you desire my Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Y'all're gonna wanna be all up in this William Wordsworth - Like oh Percy Shelley! Oh oh Percy Shelley! I'thou the Lord Byroning Samuel Taylor Coleridge - WILLIAM BLAKE!

    • When Hank explains to "Henry Hank" how babies are made. Double points for Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness.
    • Hank'southward "nerdy pickup lines" in "31 JOKES FOR NERDS".
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: While both John and Hank often have time to explain what they are talking about, for the most part they assume that the majority of viewers are Nerdfighters and, therefore, smart enough and nerdy plenty to sympathise and be interested in the topics mentioned. Hank and John both make casual references to people, works, and terms many casual viewers might non understand. Too, John can go into literary-sounding musings or descriptions, oft filled with quotes from his favorite authors as well as his own books.
    • Too, Nerd Jokes. You lot have to be pretty familiar with scientific theories, literature, computer science, comics, psychology, anime, sci fi and fantasy, politics, math and physics, and/or famous historical scientists and scholars to become the jokes at all.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: From the "Eating a Fatty SANDWICH" video:

    John: Uh... I'm but gonna freeze it right at that place, Hank, because a lot of immature people watch our videos and they don't need to see a thirty-one yr old man having what is known in competitive eating circles as a "reversal of fortune".

  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: One nerdfighter asked John to advise to his girlfriend for him. John appeared to be just as nervous earlier the proposal (and as elated and relieved when she said yep) equally an bodily groom-to-be would be.
  • Waxing Lyrical: In "People Who Honey Giraffes", John answers the question of "What's the most embarrassing song you know all the words to?" past dramatically reciting a snippet of "...Baby I More Fourth dimension".
  • Writers Cannot Exercise Math: John has oft had to think "Resident Mathematician" Daniel Biss to practice elementary sums and even verify that one number is larger than another, and also infamously in one case calculated that there were 100 seconds in a minute.
  • You lot Keep Using That Give-and-take: Beginning videos with "Skilful morning Hank/John/Nerdfighters" became a tradition even though videos are actually rarely fabricated and not necessarily watched in the morning. Lampshaded past Hank.
  • Your Mom: Used a lot more often than you lot'd expect.
    • Jokes 16 to nineteen in "31 JOKES FOR NERDS".
    • From "54 Awful JOKES":

    Q: What exercise y'all call a cow with no legs?
    A: Ground beef.
    Q: What do you call a cow with 3 legs?
    A: Lean beef.
    Q: Ii legs?
    A: Yo mamma!

    • From "Sell Outs!":

    John: Telling me it's selling out to try to share my books with an audience is like telling Derek Jeter it's selling out when he tries to hitting assurance hard. Or telling your mom it'south selling out if she hits balls difficult. (cringes) I guess "your mom" jokes don't really work when your [Hank's] mom is also my mom.

Links are in the dooblydoo. Hank, I'll see you on Friday.


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